Monday, December 3, 2007

Final Exam includes

The final exam for Music 2014 Introduction to World Music will be held in room Music 1032 on Monday December 10 from 7-9:30pm.

The exam will include material drawn from the following:

Latin American music -Worlds of Music chapter
mainly pages 385-420 and 426-437
but it wouldn't hurt to read 420-425 on Andean ensembles
as it would make a good option for an essay question
listening examples are- Worlds of music cd 4 tracks 7,8,9,10,14 and 15

Japanese Music - Worlds of music chapter
mainly pages 331-361 but the rest of the chapter is also good to read and be familiar with
listening examples are - worlds of music cd 4 tracks 2, 3, 4
its worth reading extra material about Japanese theatre in the book Excursions in World music held on reserve in the Music library

African music - Worlds of Music - whole chapter - all 6 styles
this material was covered over two lectures between myself and Curtis Andrews
Listening examples - worlds of music cd 1 tracks 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Klezmer music - this was a guest lecture by Erin Sharp

Greek music - guest lecture by Dr George Minimis - notes are posted here, if you want to see the slides please email me at my yahoo address

The Language You Cry IN - film held in the Music library on the shelf

Orchid Ensemble - lecture held in Petro Canada Hall

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