Monday, October 15, 2007

African drumming concerts and workshops (from Curtis Andrews)

Hi Everyone.
I want to let you know about a very special concert happening very soon.Fantastic dancer/drummer Awal Alhassan (from Dagomba tribe,Ghana) will be here in St. John's to work with Dzolali Drum and Dance Ensemble.
The culmination of this visit will be in the form of two in Carbonear on Oct.25 and one in St.John's on Oct.26. On Oct.27, Awal will be giving two workshops one in drumming and another for dancing...everyone is welcome to not be shy!!!!
I have personally known Awal since 2002 when I met him for the first time in Tamale, Ghana where he is from. We spent some great time together and he taught me well. He also helped me when I was in the hospital when I had malaria.
I very feel very happy to welcome him to my home here in Newfoundland and hope others can experience his wonderful energy. He is probably one of the most gifted dancers I have ever seen.
Again, the details:
Oct.25, Princess Sheila Nageira Theatre, Carbonear8pm, $10 or group rate of 10/$70Call the theatre(596-PLAY) or 596-2278 for details/tickets or 579-1273.This show is a fundraiser for a school building project in rural Ghana in a village called Dzogadze where I have spent a lot of time and know the community very well. The school project is the first in an educational development fund that has been created there.
Oct.26,LSPU Hall, St.John's8pm, $12/$15Call the Hall at 753-4531 for tickets or 579-1273 for more information.Or e-mail curtisandrews@gmail.comWORKSHOPS!!!!!
Oct.27,The Dance Centre, Queen's Rd, St.John'sWorkshops in drumming/dancing.$12 per session or 2 for $20 10am-11am-dance workshop11:15am-12:15pm-drum workshop.These workshops are designed for everybody and will be sure to get you moving and sweating and feeling the pulse.Dance workshop will have live accompaniment.Dzolali Drum&Dance Ensemble was formed by Curtis Andrews in 2003 to share his love and knowledge of West African music, especially that of Ghana.
Having Awal Alhassan visit to teach and perform is part of the goal of filling in the cultural gaps that exist in this part of the world. All are invited!!!!For information contact Curtis Andrews at 579-1273e-mail: Spread the word!!!!

1 comment:

Ada said...

That sounds a wonderful concert!I will be very gald to tell my friends this news on interracialmatch.Thank u for info,i appreciate it