Monday, September 24, 2007

My Soundscape Due October 1, 2007

Assignment 1- “My Soundscape” – 2 pages (1.5 spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font) plus Sound Chart. You will be required to make note of all the sounds (both musical and non-musical) that you hear in one full day. These sounds will be listed in the chart while the written portion will be your reflections and discussions on the place of music and sound in your life.

- consider how these sounds fit into your life

- is it musical or non musical sound

- is it sound that you initiated or was it out of your control (initiated by someone else)

-If initiated by someone else….who was that? A person you know? A company?

- did you have a choice in listening to that sound?

- was the sound connected to advertising or marketing of a product?

- did it make you want to attend that event or buy the product?

- did you enjoy it?

- what genre was it?

- how does sound and music affect your life? What is its role(s)? how do you use it?

- how might music in your life be different from your parents or grandparents generations?

- think of other regular days in your life and the music you hear, what is it and why do you listen to it?

- ie. attend bar gigs, attend church, a particular cd you listen to for a particular reason or event, music you play for yourself

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